Bem-vindo ao Futuro da Educação


O nosso projeto iniciou em Setembro de 2022 com o funcionamento da nossa Montessori Children's House (Casa das Crianças), para a faixa etária de 3 a 6 anos.


Teremos um Ambiente Montessori internacional, multicultural, que respeita as diferenças e os talentos únicos de cada criança. A nossa equipa é multi-nacional, com experiência e formação rigorosa AMI.


O nosso Ambiente Montessori 3-6 será bilingue, Inglês e Português, e damos as boas-vindas a crianças e famílias de diferentes origens, backgrounds e apoiamos cada criança no seu desenvolvimento biológico, físico, cognitivo, emocional e social.

A nossa abordagem põe em prática os princípios da pedagogia científica desenvolvida por Maria Montessori, colocando o ser humano no centro do seu processo de aprendizagem.

Visite-nos para conhecer mais sobre o nosso dia-a-dia!


0-3 years: Playgroups

Planeamos proporcionar uma experiência que inclui:

- Ciclo Montessori para Pais e Filhos

- A criança pode explorar o ambiente preparado (diferentes sub-grupos/áreas/idades)

- Conhecer famílias que partilham alguns interesses e perspectivas

- Troca de experiências

- Aprender mais sobre Montessori com uma Guia Montessori 0-3

- Receber dicas e sugestões para ajudar a implementar alguns princípios na rotina da criança, em casa, e apoiar o seu desenvolvimento natural

We plan to promote an experience that includes:

- Montessori Cycle for Parents & Children

- The child can explore the prepared environment (different sub-groups/areas/ages)

- Meet like-minded families

- Exchange experiences

- Learn more about Montessori with a 0-3 Montessori Guide

- Get tips and suggestions to help you implement some principles in your child's routine, at home and supporting the child's natural development.

Playgroups - June/July: Register here:

Contact Us:

Past Events




Uma excelente oportunidade para nos visitar e conhecer mais sobre a pedagogia Montessori e como funciona o dia-a-dia do nosso centro Montessori bilingue no Oeste!

An excellent opportunity to visit us and get to know more about the Montessori pedagogy and about our bilingual Children’s House in Oeste, Portugal.

3-6: Montessori Children’s House / Casa das Crianças

We provide an authentic, bilingual Montessori environment that is fully prepared to support the integral development of each child

We strive to disseminate the Montessori pedagogy in Portugal by enabling more children to experience a holistic education experience that will prepare them for life.

Why Montessori?

Many facets of human identity and personality are defined during the first 6 years of life. This developmental phase of life lays the foundations for the child’s entire life. During this time children are extremely curious, open minded and enjoy learning.

In the Children’s House, we aim to have a holistic environment that supports the development of each child’s character, individual talents and strengths, based on the educational principles of the scientific pedagogy developed by Maria Montessori. We also continue to support the children in the development of their social and emotional intelligence as well as to strengthen and refine their motor skills. The Montessori materials help each child in their individual self-construction process, because they convey concrete learning content that is tangible for the child.

Human education and development cannot be approached from the outside; it takes place inside each individual and is propelled by our Sensitive Periods — in Montessori terminology, these are periods when the child’s attention and interest is directed to particular aspects that they are particularly keen to discover or learn about. To ensure an appropriate response to human development, it is crucial to establish an environment that responds to the inner needs of the child.

In the Children’s House, we offer a daily routine in the prepared environment, for the children from 2.5/3 to 6 years, including:

  • Learning by doing it (from grasping for understanding)

  • Individual learning rhythm

  • Promoting social and emotional competencies

  • Freedom and Responsibility

  • Independence

  • Ability to concentrate

  • Patience and perseverance

  • A healthy self-esteem

  • The experience of discovering something by yourself, ‘connecting the dots’, the basis to understanding the world around us and to adapt to our place and our time.

Every child should be able to preserve their individuality and satisfy their needs by working independently. The child’s self-confidence is strengthened, aiding in the development of their personality, and also the joy of having others around him and feeling a part of a community. A community can only thrive where diversity is accepted and nurtured. The Montessori Pedagogy takes into consideration the individual personality of each child.

Each material has its place and is easily accessible to the child. The clear arrangement of the learning materials, help the child to find his inner order through a structured environment around him. It also helps the child to orient himself within his work area, with the possibility of free movement within the classroom. Today we know that Humans learn through movement. The child chooses a material from the designated place and returns it after he has accomplished his work/activity.

The child develops an interest in the various areas of knowledge, due to the strong simulative nature and attractiveness of the Montessori Materials. The child develops joy and learns to work with great care while handling the material.

The Montessori Teacher/Guide supports the natural development of the children and addresses each specific interest and individual developmental need of the child. The Montessori Guide is of service to the child, and does so by giving presentations, observing and helping the child only when necessary. Therefore we guide the child to work independently.

The mixed-age group has many advantages, such as giving the children the possibility to play with one another, exchange ideas and also giving them the opportunity to learn how to tackle demanding challenges. These interactions enable to develop social and cooperative behaviour from an early age. The younger children have the opportunity to observe and learn from their older colleagues (seen as role models) in the classroom. In turn, the older children are able to deepen their knowledge in all areas and impart their knowledge to the younger children. Each year a new group constellation forms, and enables all the children to have the opportunity to go through all levels of these natural roles during their time at the Casa dei Bambini.

The Montessori Materials: 5 Areas of a Montessori Children’s House

Each Montessori Material is set up on open shelves and is grouped into 5 areas. Each material has a defined place within the classroom. All of the furniture inside the classroom is of the appropriate height for the children and the material is always accessible to the children at all times. There is only one of each material in the classroom therefore the children learn many social aspects such as sharing, learning to wait one’s turn, how to resolve potential conflicts, etc. Each child chooses a material from the shelf, works independently with it until his interest has been satisfied. A key role of the Montessori teacher is to observe, guide and help the child. The Montessori teacher allows the children to work independently and only intervenes if necessary.

Practical Life: The activities in this area support the child in the development of his motor skills, but above all in his independence.

Sensorial: Every input from our environment reachers our brain through our senses. That is how Humans learn. In this area, the child’s senses are employed to explore specifically designed materials that support the development of sensorial perception.

Mathematics: The child is introduced to the wonderful world of numbers and quantities through the concrete, hands-on, Mathematic materials, supporting the child’s natural interest and ability to think mathematically at the appropriate time.

Language: In the "language area", the child can expand their vocabulary. The child’s language development grows continuously and can be offered an introduction into reading and writing when the right time and interest arise.

Culture: many topics about the world and the environment of the child are brought to life (geography, botany, zoology, cultural diversity, among many other themes. The child can therefore make connections between topics and begin to better understand easy and complex connections; the basis for what is also called ‘cosmic education’.


Bilingual Montessori Children’s House (for children from 2.5/3 to 6 years-old)


Torres Vedras / Santa Cruz



Pré-Inscrições 3-6 / Contacte-nos / Pre-Enrolment form:  

Bordinheira · Torres Vedras · Santa Cruz

Ericeira · Mafra