AMI 3-6 Diploma Course

Become a 3-6 AMI Guide

We currently offer a 3-6 Diploma Course - STATUS: COURSE CONFIRMED!

The course will be delivered in English, with consecutive translation to Portuguese if necessary.

Who is the course for?

Have you been dreaming of becoming a fully-trained Montessori Guide?

Have you been considering to do an AMI Diploma course for a long time?

This is a unique opportunity to join our diploma course in Portugal!

This course will give you in-depth knowledge about Montessori principles as well as how to apply them into practice with children from 3 to 6 years of age.

The 3-6 Diploma course focuses on the Montessori approach and the developmental needs of children aged between 3 and 6 years. This course can be particularly rewarding for teachers, assistants, school managers and is suitable for every person who is interested in the development of young children.

  • Montessori Philosophy, Psychology, Child Development

  • Practical life

  • Sensorial

  • Language and Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Cultural areas, including Art, Music, Geography, Science, Botany, etc.

  • Observation

  • Guided practice with the Montessori materials in the traininig environment

* Please note that the course requires a minimum number of students. The course dates may be revised or adjusted if the minimum number is not reached.

The course covers…


Observation and Teaching Practice

In addition to the lectures at the Training Centre, students will visit schools for 170 hours of observation and teaching practice (approximately 8 weeks in total).

Do you know about our Network of Montessori Schools/Environments, RAMP?

Please note that all school practice will take place outside of the scheduled module times (between each teaching module). Students are responsible for organising their observations and practice teaching, yet we will support students on an individual basis to identify suitable schools (in Portugal or abroad, as desired).

Requirements for AMI certification:

  • Minimum of 90% attendance on the course sessions

  • Minimum of 140 hours of supervised practice with the Montessori Materials at the training centre

  • Completion of albums and other course work to the required standard

  • Making of Materials and assignments by the Director of Training

  • Completion of 90 hours of Observation and 80 hours of Teaching Practice (in schools)

  • Successful completion of written and oral exams


Mandatory Reading

Books by Dr. Maria Montessori:

  • The Secret of Childhood

  • The Discovery of the Child

  • The Absorbent Mind

  • The Formation of Man

  • Education and Peace

  • The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. 1

  • The 1946 London Lectures

  • Citizen of the World – Key Montessori Readings including The Four Planes of Education (AMI Pamphlet)

  • The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education (AMI Pamphlet by Mario M. Montessori Sr.)

Note: We will provide support in identifying the suitable translation to Portuguese of course materials and books. English versions (and others) of the books are available through Montessori Pierson Publishing. Discounts are available when the books are bought through our Institute; please ask us about the discount code.

Director of Training:


Elina Rautasalo


Biographical Sketch: Elina Rautasalo, AMI Montessori Trainer

Elina Rautasalo is an AMI 3-6 Teacher Trainer with over 30 years of experience in the field of education, working with both children and adults in her native Finland and internationally.

Elina’s Montessori journey began in London in the early 1990s at the Maria Montessori Institute, where she gained her AMI 3-6 Diploma. Subsequently, Elina was a member of the Training Team for over 20 years at the Maria Montessori Institute in London (UK). Elina has directed AMI’s 3-6 courses in South East Asia and Europe.

In recent years, Elina has been the Director of Training in the Netherlands, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. Elina is an AMI Examiner and also lectures internationally. She has given seminars and workshops in various countries in Europe, as well as in Asia, North and South America.

Course Dates & Format

We have created an extraordinary opportunity for you to join our current AMI Diploma Course 2024/2025!
The course will follow a modular format with 4 modules spanning throughout a period of a it over a year, from October 2024 to November 2025.

Module 1 is ONLINE (4 weeks) and the remaining 3 modules are face to face (weekdays from 9h00 to 16h30). This format allows for Observation and Teaching Practice to be undertaken by students between each of the 4 modules.

AMI Diploma courses have a strong practical component and therefore require physical attendance at the Training Centre. This format (including 1 online module, via zoom) responds to the needs of our community, yet hands-on practice and direct contact with the Trainer are essential.

This specific course is planned to take place in a fully-equipped 3-6 Training Environment in Oeste region (near Torres Vedras, or in a radius of about 40 minutes from Lisbon), and with great mobility access (A8 motorway) to other major cities in Portugal, including Coimbra and Porto.

Course Dates: 2024/25


Module 1 (ONLINE): from 07 October to 31 October 2024

Module 2: from 13 January 2025 to 14 February 2025

Module 3: from 22 April 2025 to 04 June 2025

Module 4: from 20 October 2025 to 22 November 2025

Note: the last module includes the AMI Examinations with international examiners & Graduation.


30th JUNE 2024

 ** Note: The course has been approved by AMI, and will run if a number of students is registered, following AMI’s requirements. Update: the course is now confirmed.

The dates may also be subject to change depending to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes in course dates will be communicated to registered students in advance and alternatives will be sought.

Course Fees

Course fees and payment schedule are detailed in our Course Brochure (see below).

Do you want to apply for the AMI 3-6 Diploma?

Download Course Brochure

Includes additional information about Course Units, Format and Dates, Course Fees and Payment Schedule.

Please download our the Course Brochure by clicking the button below:

How to Apply for the Course?

Applications are OPEN!


Contact us if you still want to apply!

AMI Montessori Diploma course Applicants are required to provide the following documents:

  • Application form

  • Copy of passport

  • Up to date Curriculum Vitae

  • Certified copies of all academic transcripts

  • Signed reference letter

  • Short motivation letter, written in the applicant’s own words

  • Successful application interview via Zoom

Please send us these documents by email to apply. An application fee of €100 is deductible from the course registration fee upon successful application. This fee is non-refundable. Details for bank transfer will be sent individually by email upon receipt of application materials.

Note: Upon successful application, the non-refundable Registration Fee is due within two weeks after acceptance into the course.